For one thing, while I have no illusions that Rudy is the mix between Churchill and Patton that some seem to think, I do think he would be better to conduct the war on terrorism than any of his potential Democrat rivals.
Then there's the little matter of judges. The direction of the Supreme Court for the next generation is up for grabs in the next few years. The next President may well have as many as three appointments to the Court.
I don't for a moment believe Rudy's posturing about "strict constructionists." But there is a least a reasonable chance that, given his public commitment, Rudy will pick a moderate conservative or two. With Hillary's three picks we get the president, vice-president, and secretary-treasurer of the ACLU.
Whether those differences would be enough to induce me to cast a general election vote for Rudy is an open question.
I think it would depend on:
(1) Whether there was a third party movement that offered some realistic hope, not necessarily of winning the current election, but of building toward a political realignment that might benefit conservative values.
(2) Whether I could satisfy my conscience before God about voting for a pro-abortion candidate.
there is a thought out response .. they are a rarity as of late
Your post reminds me of someone looking for scraps in the dumpster.
Why not head on over and take a look at the other Republican candidates in the
primary and fight like mad to support them? There is a whole buffet available.