Will you support Rudy if he wins the nomination? Will you support Rudy and Fred Thompson if Fred is the top of the ticket.
That disengages the entire thing and shouldn’t be answered because the effort should be made to make sure that the question never becomes a reality. Most don’t fall for the trap because what it does is emboldens the Rudy supporters putting someone in a no win situation. If you answer yes, then you will be characterized as a Rudy supporter, and if you answer no, you will be tagged as a Hillary supporter. Niether tag is a good one.
Exactly. Why I have been encouraging people to stop with the what ifs...and make that scenario not the reality.
A similar trap is the one that asks: Can God make a rock so big that He can’t lift it?
That is not a spiritual question, it’s a logical fallacy, pitting infinite creative ability and omnipotence versus infinite mass.
In the case of the question you posed, it’s a strategic question. We must redouble our work so that we don’t have Hobson’s Choices like Rudy in November 08.
That would be between a very large rock and a very hard hard place where we don’t want to be...thus we work like we are on a chain gang right now.
And may God help us.
It is a classic False Dilemma. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. Here’s my standard false dilemma to answer their false dilemma. No one has ever navigated through it because they just move onto another thread. Maybe that won’t be allowed any more, that would be fine with me.
sorry, forgot to include my own...
Since team rudy is so fond of its own false dilemma, I would expect them to answer this false dilemma.
My contention: If rudy gets the nomination, he splits the base, possibly splits the republican party, and loses the election.
Rudy followers contention: If Hunter gets it, he wins the base and loses the election.
Hypothetical to answer the rudy followers hypothetical. Both sides losing to Hillary.
Side A: The solib republican splits the base. The MSM turns on him the moment he is nominated. Hillary wins. Republican party is split.
Side B: The socon republican wins the nomination, loses to hildebeast in a tough fight. Republicans are united against the hillary presidency.
Which candidate is best for the republican party, Side A or Side B?
Win-Win false dilemma:
Side A: Solib wins presidency by ignoring the socon base and permanently splitting the republican party.
Side B: SoCon wins presidency by (obviously) relying on the socon base.
Which candidate is best for the republican party, Side A or Side B?
Regardless of who wins or loses, Free Republic and the republican party is better off with Duncan Hunter than Rudy as the candidate. This social liberal candidate is simply not healthy for the republican party nor for FR. And rudy followers are proving to be very impolite freepers.