To: Recovering Ex-hippie
Get ready...the Libs will be shouting... All Blue Angels shows should be suspended forever and no military planes should fly unless Congress oks each and every plane before takeoff and, oh, yeah, every pilot must have a Senate hearing before each and every take off!
No doubt. I wasn't disparaging Blue Angels. But a Houdini or trapeze artists or NASCAR drivers or others in dangerous entertainment or sporting events dangerous lines of work. It's inevitable that a few people are going to die over the course of time. As a society, we decide whether the risks are worth the entertainment and civic values involved.
I have nothing against airshows. I was just expressing that no one should be too surprised when this happens every few years. It's part of the work of daredevils and precision pilots like the Blue Angels.
It's not like fighter pilots are signing up for the safest job they could find. Hopefully, no one else was hurt or killed and the fires were contained quickly.
337 posted on
04/21/2007 4:40:30 PM PDT by
George W. Bush
(Just say no to Brady Bunch Republicans.)
To: George W. Bush
I am stealing your tag line.
340 posted on
04/21/2007 4:42:29 PM PDT by
Jet Jaguar
(Just say no to Brady Bunch Republicans.)
To: George W. Bush
I in no way thought you were disparaging them!
I was trying to agree with you and point out that the reality is that flying planes-—in military, not civilian , fashion is a very dangerous job. heck, we even had another small civilian plane go down in Fla the other day.
I just don’t think the Libs get the idea this is a tough job and that causalities are going to happen and even more so in combat. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson