The more I read this, the more arrogant it gets. And ignorant, for that matter.
Tell me, Mia - did Papa Bush lose in 1992 by running too far rightward? Did the GOP in 2006 lose by running too far rightward?
Sorry, but the opposite is the case. Rudy would split the GOP.
I will vote for whichever R is nominated. I understand the danger of the clintons.
If another R emerges who is a stronger candidate, I will support that R. We will lose only if we, each of us with our own vote, votes for the other guy.
Funny you should ask about GHWBush. He lost because he was a fool and ultimately irresponsible. He understood that the clintons were unfit to lead, he had the goods on clinton, but never used it.
This is not unlike what you would be doing.
Like I said in a previous post. Her and Registered have really sunk in credibility.