He's still a major player at Clear Channel (CBS). If his ratings were so horrible, they would have let him go years ago. They didn't fire him. They gave him two weeks off (calling it a "suspension"). The network plays his reruns all the time anyway. He is at his ranch for sick kids all summer with his wife. I never saw a radio guy work so little.
He'll do this "suspension" standing on his head. He's pissed off so many people over the years, it's hard to keep count. He constantly tries to ruin and bate politicians on his show to destroy their carreers. There is a certain element that loves that cr*p. Kind of like the morons that would show up to watch an execution.
This is all about the almighty dollar. If anything, this whole deal will generate some serious buzz for his show.
In my opinion, 2 factors figured into Imus getting canned by NBC/MSNBC (with a good chance that CBS will do the same).
First, he has had a history of using racial humour, including an alleged use of the N word in front of a 60 minutes producer.
Second, several major advertisers dropped his show over the past couple of days.
The cumulative effect of the recitation of the numerous racial comments combined with the potential huge revenue loss did him in.
I’d be highly surpised if he stays with CBS. In my opinion, he’ll either go on satellite or retire to the ranch which he’ll have to buy from the charitable foundation because he won’t have the personal cash flow to support the operating expense of having children with cancer visit.