Scotland won’t be “going it alone”. They’ll quietly be submerged willingly into the dark underbelly of the European Union. England might have a good shot at remaining indepedent without the Socialist Scots acting like a millstone tied around their neck.
BTW, I (Scots-Irish here) agree with your assessment of the present day Scots. The best left long ago.
Are you too suggesting like GMMAC that the genetically superior Scots left years ago?
If so, you are suggesting something that is scientifically and philosophically absurd.
When was emigration of the poor - like in Ireland or Scotland of centuries ago - a rational choice of the superior? When was being forced to leave your land because of violence or starvation transformed into the choice of the “best”?
There must be something seriously wrong with Scottish culture that produces such people and comments, when the exact same circumstances of the Irish produces only friendship for modern Ireland.