Are there no men left who will stand up for what's right?!
What world am I growing up into?
Reminds one of the USS Cole does it not?
Are there no men left who will stand up for what's right?!
What world am I growing up into?"
Agreed, it is an act of war. Their are many men who are already standing up to fight and dying to preserve our way of life. The British and American military personnel are top notch. The problem is policy, you have a total division of right wing and left wing politics. The right wing understands that Islam will not surrender nor negotiate until we are either all Muslims or all dead (with the latter preferred by our enemy). The left wing believes we can negotiate every situation either directly or by proxy. 800 years of history tell us exactly what must be done about militant Islam:
1) Beef up defense, gather intelligence with operatives on the ground and technology everywhere.
2) Go on the offensive. History shows us we are better using massive retaliation for Islamic attrocities sooner before the Islamic threat spreads. We ignored Iran for 30 years and Al Queda for 10. If we had retaliated massively in 1993 after the first trade towers you would not have had a 9/11, 7/7 or Spain Madrid train bombings. With Iran you would not be seeing them building nukes and threatening to use them, nor would you see them in Iraq influencing our entire strategy.
3) Cut off funding for all terrorists and more importantly, their sponsors. To do this effectively, we must build our own domestic energy supply. Saudi Arabia is still the number one funder of international terror followed by Iran. Who provides the West with it's oil? Saudi Arabia and Iran. Then you have Russia, supplying weapons and nuclear assistance to terrorist states. The West, particularly Europe is frozen on any action against Iran and Russia precisely for this reason.
4) Stop immigration from Islamic states. Yeah, we love thos guys from Jordon coming here because they fully immigrate and have had 15 years of full democracy, enough time for the populace to make freedom and prosperity a focus instead of killing Jews and the Great Satan.
5) Stop illegal immigration on our own border and enforce the law. WHy would countries not try and smuggle bad guys in with bombs, when we don't even have the will to police and protect our own people.