Two falsehoods. I am old enough to remember when children would sing Christmas Carols and Easter songs in public school. That was not 500 years ago. Religion was not spit upon as allowed by today's athiests.
I also have a problem qualifying throat-cutters as followers of God, the essential basis of Western religion. The cutthroat Barbary pirates were practicing theft and slavery in the name of Allah. Can one imagine a God who would approve of such behavior?
And there it is, the cultural world clash, one knowlegable of what actually happened inside our country 40 years ago, and one who has no clue.
We not only prayed in school sometimes, but we questioned our teachers when evolution came up, especially when they tried to teach Lamarkism, that Giraffes got longer necks beause generations of giraffes stretched to reach leaves, leaving the short necked baby giraffes to starve with no long necks...
Have you forgotten the Spanish Inquisition? The Crusades? The opening up of the New World? The Slave trade? Maybe you should go watch the Merchant of Venice.
The People of the Book are more similar than any other group of people.
Can one imagine a God who would approve of such behavior?
I cannot imagine such a God but the old testament God seemed to approve of a lot of behaviour that I cannot imagine approving. Nearly everything I do believe in flows from the Golden Rule but I do not believe everything taught in the average Baptist church, even though I was baptized into a Southern Baptist church at an early age.