Amazing when you consider how many ships the British lost or sacrificed while retaking the Falklands.
yes and no; argentina was never a threat anywhere but the falklands/south georgia etc., and never ever threatened asymetrical warfare, much less had a organized infrastructure producing just that in considerable quantity. Argentina was (and is) a conventional banana republic doing banana republic things which they already had some history of (they have fought with chile a couple of times over the most obscure things, including islands in tierra del fuego). Arg never ever had the ability to project any power of any kind against britain itself, nor did it claim to.
I think the major concerns of the west are economic WRT attacking Iran - no one wants 200$ oil (I know some freepers claim the straits of hormuz can never ever be closed by Iran, but clearly I am not so well informed) and absolutely no one wants the US or world economies to go into instant recession or depression. Added instability in Iraq, possible nukes already owned by Iran, and possible terrorist action by them within the borders of the west are added issues.