Iranian mullahs want and need war. Been obvious since the hostage taking in 79. The west used the proxy Saddam to feed and tame the Iranian Mahdi wannabes, but Saddam got out of control and had to be eliminated. Iranians know that ground forces cannot enter Iran without suffering massive suicidal attacks. Would be comparable to the US invading Japan during WWII instead of just nuking a couple of cities and demanding and getting an unconditional surrender.
>Iranian mullahs want and need war.<
You are right! Ahmadinejad wants immediate Armagedon so Mohammad's 12th son, Mahdi, will "come up out of the well", and the Muzzies can take over the entire world. No kidding! That is the goal these fanatics! I think Russia, their chief supplier of arms and nuke materials, is using them to do the Commie's dirty work, too. And when it is done, Iran will be knocked off, and the New World Order, abject Communism, will be ushered into reality. There is more to all this than meets the eye, as you are perfectly aware.
We can destroy iran as a country without ever stepping foot on their soil... except for Specops intel.
No nation building and not one dime of help after!
I think with Sadam out of the way, "nutjob" wants to appear to be the big dog on theblock so that the other neighboring countries fear him. With the turmoil in Iran he needs a diversion. Something that will unite the people. Their mutual hate of of the west fits the bill and Great Britain is today's target. jmo
"Iranian mullahs want and need war. Been obvious since the hostage taking in 79. The west used the proxy Saddam to feed and tame the Iranian Mahdi wannabes, but Saddam got out of control and had to be eliminated. Iranians know that ground forces cannot enter Iran without suffering massive suicidal attacks. Would be comparable to the US invading Japan during WWII instead of just nuking a couple of cities and demanding and getting an unconditional surrender."
Agree with all if it except for the USA's hestitation to not want to go in because of potential mass suicide attacks. Iran used this to some level of success against Iraq, but they wouldn't get within 2 miles of our fleet of tanks, armored personele and troops. We have massive air power, daisy cutters and MOABS. Methinks it all goes down like this: Britain does not capitulate, the USA, Israel and Britain conduct a massive bombing campaign on all of Iran's nuclear facilities and military command complexes. Iran responds with a nuclear attack on our carrier fleet. I firmly believe they already have them in limited number. Oil prices skyrocket to $115 a barrel overnight. The USA and Iran have a temporary peace agreement.