What do you base that claim on? Is Webb anti-Second Amendment? Do you have evidence? I don't know how he is on the issue, so I'd like to be informed.
I base it on the fact he is a Democrat.
"would probably vote against the Residents of D.C. having a gun in their own home.
What do you base that claim on? Is Webb anti-Second Amendment? Do you have evidence? I don't know how he is on the issue, so I'd like to be informed."
My informed guess goes as follows -- he is a scum-sucking piece of sub-human traitorous and treasonous filth who dreams of sucking his son's penis, hence he would probably be against you and I carrying a gun because you and/or I carrying a gun is a good thing.
Would you care to make a guess for all to see? Or not?
Moveon.org will demand that