Let me know if you want in or out.
Links: FR Index of his articles: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/keyword?k=victordavishanson
His website: http://victorhanson.com/
NRO archive: http://www.nationalreview.com/hanson/hanson-archive.asp
New Link! http://victordavishanson.pajamasmedia.com/
Thanks for the ping.
This is an excellent read.
I actually met VDH last year at an ISI seminar...I think there are some pics posted here at FreedomWorks.org:
VDH signed both my books; "Mexifornia" and "A War Like No Other"
I haven't seen 300 yet...I'm not much into going to movie theaters anymore. I'll probably just wait until it comes out in DVD and watch it on the home theater.