They're here and we have to deal with that issue..IOW's, they can pick our crops, but we're not going to give them the farm just because they do..
Come on now. It is about time we replace our 40 million aborted Americans, most of which would have been minimum wage laborers, with a legally authorized work force!
I just want ever Immigration bill to begin:
"Given that over the last 3 decades the United States has killed 40 million of its citizens and lost most of it's laborers..."
A guest worker program would have become law if the House had compromised in May of 06. That was a mistake. The reasoning was that Amnesty could have be stalled until after Bush left office in 08. Unfortunately the GOP lost in 06 and there are too many RINOs left to filibuster the rats. Withholding money from the GOP is just flogging a dead horse. It will do nothing now, except make life easier for the rats.