And if Fred Thompson doesn't run, we should throw all our support to Duncan Hunter.
Back when JFK had just won, a woman was asked why she voted for him. She replied, "I like the way he combs his hair."
That's democracy in action.
No matter who is running or who is in office, we can always find something to complain about; their stance on the WOT, on the WO(S)D or the WO__ (insert favorite cause here.) Just as with religion where no Church completely mirrors my views with respect to God, no candidate sees all issues exactly as I do. Therefore, if I really wanted to vote for the person who best represented me, I'd have to vote for myself... and so would a hundred million other voters.
So I use the L. Neil Smith test to decide which candidate I should support. As Mr. Smith pointed out, once you clear away all the crap, the only real test is his/her stance on gun ownership.
I'll stick with Ron Paul.