Wow. You don't even know me and I'm "immoral scum". So, if I'm doing something that even God engaged in, I'm immoral? Does that mean that God is "immoral" by your definition?
Get real.
I don't do drugs, I don't drink. If I wanted to in the privacy of my own home, why should the government be able to tell me no? I seem to recall that our Constitution wasn't written as restrictions on our populace, but instead the restrictions on our government.
I'm so glad you're so sure of yourself that you can label me as "scum" and "a huge drain on the morally upright, productive members of our society". Last year, I played online poker. I spent roughly $300 in that. I also paid many thousands in taxes. Now, I'm told I can't play online poker because people like you who believe that we're a drain on society should be punished at the long arm of the law.
Actually, if you look at your methods and your impositions of your values on me, you'll see that your type is the close-minded scum that destroys freedom. Open your mind, and you can find that you are imposing your will on people. And it's morally reprehensible. You complain when the Democraps impose their will on us in the forms of abortion and welfare, but you do the same. I say get the government out of my pocketbook and my bedroom. It's my private life.
The trouble is, you don't see the difference in the two positions.