Dr_Lew...here is an article from Wikipedia, about eugenics...in the paragraph I have copied here, it makes mention of this Spartan practice of exposure of newborns...I know that many people do not like Wikipedia as the end source, so I am using Wikipedia as a starting point, as a place in which to begin looking at the subject of eugenics, and going on from there...anyway, here is the paragraph I am talking about, with a link...one can then go into further study on the subject if one wishes...
'Pre-Galton eugenics
Selective breeding was suggested at least as far back as Plato, who believed human reproduction should be controlled by government. He recorded these ideals in The Republic: "The best men must have intercourse with the best women as frequently as possible, and the opposite is true of the very inferior." Plato proposed that the process be concealed from the public via a form of lottery. Other ancient examples include Sparta's purported practice of infanticide. However, they would leave all babies outside for a length of time, and the survivors were considered stronger, while many "weaker" babies perished.[citation needed]'
Well there is now an alternative
From Conservapedia
Eugenics is the practise of improving or altering a race through selective breeding. The Nazis were in favour of eugenics, and Richard Dawkins has recently called for society's negative view of it to be questioned. Eugenics is proof that scientists who are Darwinists should be carefully watched.
Retrieved from http://www.conservapedia.com/Eugenics
Yep no bias there