They endorsed John F'n Kerry for President.
When the army heard there where rats in the building, maybe they thought...
When my husband was in Basic Training at Ft Dix, in 1966..he ended up in Walson Army Hospital with pneumonia....and with a temperature of 105, he had to clean the floor under his bed, for inspection!!!
They were also treating his condition with a quart of water (or Kool Aid) every hour!!
I wonder how long it will be before we see Mr. Ziad's name associated with this particular meme.
Regarding the original WaPo story -- I'm not surprised that the repairs were slow in coming, Walter Reed is scheduled to be closed in 2011, when a new facility is to be completed on the grounds of Bethesda Naval Hospital/National Institute of Health. As in the past, when BRAC posts are identified the repair and maintenance funding is cut.
This is a case of Rumsfeld and the BRAC pannel being so focused on cutting bases no longer needed for the Cold War...and not thinking about what is needed for the new GWOT. And also for posting of units being brought back from Europe.