Known to who as Mariamne, first I've ever heard that claim.
I've heard of her being referred to by that name.
How could they have found her bones in Jerusalem though, Dan Brown said she died in secret in France or someplace.
That's what I was wondering. I caught a clip of this guy on the news last night, asserting -- as if it were common knowledge -- that "Mariamne" was her real name. I never even heard of such a form of a Hebrew name. I'm not Jewish, but I did study Hebrew for 10 years.
He said something too about "DNA testing." AFAIK, DNA doesn't come with the person's name and history written in it! You have to have someone else's to compare it to, in order to prove a relationship.
How does Mariamne equal "Mary Magdalene?"
Did the name "Magdalene" appear on the inscription?
Or only this "Mariamne" that now appears to be close enough?