How about if 50 million 16 year-olds were killed in your country? Would you "get yourself all worked up?"
Or a million and a half kindergartners this year were shot through the head? Would you "get yourself all worked up?"
How about if 4000 40 year-old mothers were ripped limb from limb and killed today, their skin burned off of them by saline solution while they were still alive? Would you "get yourself all worked up?"
The only difference between them and a child in the womb is time and maturity. That's it.
Currently, my niece is pregnant and she is a senior in high school. Maybe she chose to rebel because her father died seven years ago, but at the same time, her mother taught her enough values that she would never dream of having an abortion and is actually excited about the life that she and her future husband created.
I can't teach someone that only values their own life that abortion is wrong. I can't make the government change the law, but I can hope that people see that every life is valued.
Describing an abortion to me doesn't change somoene else's mind about the value of life.
Unfortunately, many that have abortions realize the value of life after it is too late. Hearing from those that regret it would probably make a bigger difference in getting things changed. Most just suffer in silence. So how does one change that?