Consequently, those whose principles will not allow them to vote for Rudy (or McCain, or Romney -- the three frontrunners), but whose principles WILL allow them to sit idly by and let the Clintons back into the White House are worse than useless.
Bottom line is that as long as the party refuses to field anything close to a conservative, they will lose. It's not the voter's fault if they are confronted with the choice of a liberal democRAT or a liberal Republican. It's not the party, it's the person. I don't give squat what party someone is with any more. It's obvious that wearing the big "R" means nothing.
I'm one who is sick of people on this forum trying to blame the voter for their choice - we all get one vote and it is our own individual right to use it as we see fit. Some of the whining here reminds me of union leaders trying to dictate to the membership how they should vote on a contract. I'm not a union member, and I'm no longer a party member.