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To: DaveTesla

You didn't even get into the influence of liberal, anti-Christian churches that belong to the NCC and WCC.

26 posted on 02/10/2007 2:29:52 PM PST by Conservativegreatgrandma
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To: Conservativegreatgrandma

"You didn't even get into the influence of liberal, anti-Christian churches that belong to the NCC and WCC."

We owe that one to Hegel.

He had a great influence on Karl Marx.
Member churches...
African Methodist Episcopal Church [USA]
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church [USA]
American Baptist Churches in the USA
Anglican Church of Canada
Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East, N.A. Diocese
Canadian Council of Churches**
Canadian Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Canada
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Christian Methodist Episcopal Church [USA]
Church of the Brethren [USA]
Episcopal Church
Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church Abroad [Canada]
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
Hungarian Reformed Church in America
International Council of Community Churches [USA]
International Evangelical Church [USA]
Moravian Church in America
National Baptist Convention of America
National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.
National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA**
Orthodox Church in America
Polish National Catholic Church
Presbyterian Church in Canada
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. [USA]
Reformed Church in America [USA]
Religious Society of Friends [USA] - Friends General Conference - Friends United Meeting
United Church of Canada
United Church of Christ [USA]
United Methodist Church [USA]

Willow Creek Hegelian Dialectic & The New World Order

by Paul Proctor

No sooner do I finish my piece about Willow Creek Association's seduction of 14,000+ churches around the world, including my own, via the Hegelian Dialectic, than Ted Koppel shows us the actual process at work on ABC News Nightline between evangelical leaders and Bill Clinton at the Willow Creek Church in South Barrington, Illinois.

With ministers from around the country attending Willow Creek's Leadership Conference, Bill Hybels, acting as "facilitator", brings everyone into the "Consensus Process" to hear Bill Clinton's confession-less appeal for forgiveness to try and gain the approval and acceptance of the evangelical community just in time for the Democratic Convention.

For the benefit of those who have not yet heard of the Hegelian Dialectic, let me briefly run through it as taught by Authority Research Center president, Dean Gotcher. The Hegelian Dialectic or "Consensus Process" is a 200 year-old, three-step process of "thesis, antithesis and synthesis", developed in the late 1700's by a german named Georg William Friedreich Hegel that results in what we now know as "group-think". It is a system Dean calls "Praxis" that Socialists have used for centuries to seduce, seize and control mass populations without warfare. It is also in full operation here in the United States under such names as: "Outcome Based Education", "Goals 2000", "Sustainable Development", "School To Work", "DARE" and many more. It's all about embracing "tolerance, diversity and unity" for The New World Order. To put it in layman's terms, it's brainwashing.

Here's how it works: A group gathers, and has agreed beforehand that each in attendance will ultimately surrender his or her own personal position on any given issue to the will or "consensus" of the group after *processing to consensus* through dialog. In a Christian setting, the presupposition is that the group's will determines "the will of God". The group's "facilitator", whoever that may be, mediates between sides, be they "good and evil", "for and against", "republican and democrat", "liberal and conservative", etc., whatever the case may be, often instigating heated confrontations between the opposing sides for the purpose of suggesting compromise as the perfect solution to restore and maintain the peace and the relationships of everyone involved. The resulting outcome or *consensus* is then re-introduced if necessary, at the next meeting for more "Praxis", more dialog and more compromise until another "consensus" is reached. Then the "process" repeats all over again...and again...and again until the facilitator's desired outcome is achieved. Over time, the convictions and concerns anyone may have had originally are processed away beyond recognition or relevance leaving one and all to accept the facilitator's pre-determined outcome as the consensus of the group. It's no longer a question of what is right or wrong, good or bad, lawful or unlawful, but rather HOW WE ALL FEEL ABOUT absolutes, no conscience, no convictions, no laws, no Constitution, no Bible and NO GOD!!!...only consensus....and a contrived consensus at that. Pretty slick huh? That's the Hegelian Dialectic.

That's exactly what "facilitator" Bill Hybels accomplished the other day between church leaders attending the Willow Creek Conference and his friend Bill Clinton on ABC's Nightline. Protesting evangelicals (thesis), demanded socialist Bill Clinton (antitheses), answer for his lies and sexual indiscretions at the meeting. Hybels, as the "facilitator" voices their protests and then injects that Clinton HAD confessed to them by saying he publicly admitted: "I have sinned". Yeah, well...we ALL have sinned Bill. The Bible says it in Romans 3:23. That's not news. That's not a confession either. Nor is a politically expedient appearance in front of a church full of evangelical Christians before the Democratic Convention a demonstration of repentance. The fact is, Clinton has done everything he possibly could to save his political neck leaving a bloody trail of "Arkancides" strung out from Little Rock, to Washington D.C., to Waco, to Ft. Worth, to Ruby Ridge, to Kosovo, to Croatia, to China and beyond. While Hybels brings everyone together under socialism's religious umbrella of "tolerance, diversity and unity", Clinton's REAL crimes continue to be covered up, whitewashed, blackmailed, threatened, bribed and snafued away.

But that's OK. The good reverend just wants us to forgive his pal Clinton so we can all be one big happy family. Thesis + Antitheses = Synthesis...the Hegelian Dialectic. Sounds like the perfect formula for an Apostate Church to me. I wonder if Hybels has sent everyone personal invitations to "The Millennium World Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders", meeting at the United Nations later this month as well? I hear they're all getting together to create a great big One World Religion for us here on planet Earth. Won't that be wonderful?...A WORLD CHURCH!

Socializing The Church

"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables." (II Timothy 4:3-4)

I took a break from writing for a couple of months to further research the "seeker-sensitive", "church-growth" movement; that tumorous plague that has become to the Christian community what AIDS is to the homosexual community. Those who have been infected always deny it publicly believing in their hearts they are righteous and extraordinary rather than depraved, dying and delusional.

The UN sponsored, government protected disease called political correctness entered the bloodstream of Christendom sometime ago and is quickly becoming the accepted norm in churches across America thanks to organizations like Willow Creek and Saddleback who serve as public bathhouses for the PC infected where it is casually acquired and transmitted through the abominable practice of TDU (tolerance, diversity and unity); a forbidden form of carnal indulgence that liberals teach as "love", but is in fact an abominable lie with hideous consequences. PC ought to stand for poisonous candy; the sugar cube of socialists that was made fashionable in the 60's by flower children who didn't seem to care that it was laced with a virus that attacks and weakens the conscience and severely compromises, if not corrupts altogether the soul of a person who claims to love God.

Today's carriers of this Christian-flavored humanism are currently taking over mainstream denominations by flaunting a fluffy and flowery Disney World doctrine of feelings and emotion while living in utter denial of the ancient wisdom and power found in the Great Physician's own medical manual for mankind.

"Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth." (II Timothy 3:5-7)

When first infected, an individual shows little or no visual signs of the disease and goes about daily life as if they were perfectly healthy. However, as time goes by, symptoms begin to surface that drive them to various clinics, conferences and counseling sessions seeking the fashionable remedies, theories, strategies and techniques of social psychologists, marketing specialists and motivational speakers who peddle pantheistic potions and think-positive notions to the "enlightened" for healthy profits and praise.

These hapless victims of a re-invented religion are won through flattery, seduction, covetousness and attrition as their church sanctuaries are slowly converted into temples of doom where the PC gospel is eventually published as holy writ by an unaccountable leadership who privately profits from preaching propaganda. Its carriers do not really believe in the Word of God but rather in the consensus of popular opinion and the sensual gratification of personal experience. Theirs is a selective morality, powered by adrenaline, that never infringes on anyone else's self-esteem or sensitivities yet provides a colorful and charming Christ-like costume suitable for the endtimes masquerade called Apostasy.

"Thus saith the Lord; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord." (Jeremiah 17:5)

Instead of accepting God's way as Holy and the world's way as sinful, they busy themselves endeavoring to make everyone else at church exactly like them through the micromanaging and peer pressure of accountability groups while re-defining for those outside the church what being a Christian really is... A codependent, hypersensitive, emotionally fragile composite of compliance, complexity and contradiction with a fossilized happy face and a tolerance for anything and everything but intolerance.

You'll know that your church is becoming "seeker-sensitive" when the worship service begins to resemble an Amway convention run by pod people in polo shirts whose savior looks more like Bill Clinton with sunglasses and a saxophone than the Son of God hanging from a lonely cross for the sins of the world.

"And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." (II Thessalonians 2: 11-12)

Converting Christianity

One of the most damning aspects of Willow Creek and the whole Church Growth Movement is the hypocrisy that makes up its very foundation and operation. Having its members sign covenants, (which is expressly forbidden by Holy Scripture), saying they will not criticize or complain about the church or its leadership is not just socialism ("tyranny with a smile"), but a coup de tat of the church and its Divine mission. Willow Creek was formed, as are its member churches by surveying the lost and unchurched in each of their respective communities to gather a consensus of what those specific people DO NOT LIKE ABOUT CHURCH that one may be built and/or designed to suit them. So, the Children of God are to essentially shut up while the inmates run the asylum for the hierarchy! I think the appropriate word here would be subterfuge.

The Willow Creek Association through its member churches have in effect silenced the Body Of Christ and provided pagans, new-agers, atheists, socialists, communists, Marxists, humanists, homosexuals, feminists and liberals in general thousands of sterilized venues where they can come and present their "felt needs" to those with open arms and open minds.

By creating a politically correct environment for them to work in the UN can now steer Christians and their new church of tolerance, diversity and unity right into global governance. (Just like socialists have already done with the federal government, public education, the media, military, law enforcement and business community.) This is just another of the many shrewd ways the UN is successfully conquering our country through attrition. It's the Gramsci strategy at work.

By meeting the so-called "felt needs" of the godless, THEIR voices are heard, THEIR philosophies are made known, THEIR music is played, THEIR religion is taught, THEIR ideologies are discussed and THEIR agenda is carried out virtually unopposed in the corridors, classrooms and worship centers of every "seeker sensitive" church in America. Bottom line is; the REAL students here are the silent, submissive, ignorant, gullible, compromised and compliant Christians who are held at bay by global socialists surreptitiously destroying our religious heritage through the church growth movement.

But its OK cause we're having a GREAT TIME at a GREAT CHURCH, with GREAT PROGRAMS and GREAT MUSIC, in a GREAT WORSHIP CENTER, with a GREAT PASTOR, that tells GREAT STORIES and GREAT JOKES, to a GREAT CROWD before a GREAT GOD! Consequently, the only sinner in a "seeker-sensitive" church is the party-pooper who disrupts the "unity" of the "unequally yoked" by criticizing the UN's doctrine of "tolerance and diversity".

Here's what the Bible has to say about tolerance:

"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world." (1st John 2:15)

35 posted on 02/10/2007 5:51:50 PM PST by DaveTesla (You can fool some of the people some of the time......)
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To: Conservativegreatgrandma



"All pathways to heaven and God are not the same; that's the reality," said David Staal, a spokesman for Willow Creek.

As any bible believing Christian knows, this is the opposite of what Jesus taught. It is more of the Hegelian Dialectic at work made famous by socialists for centuries and the driving force behind the New World Order...The anti-gospel.

"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me" (John 14:6)

"Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: because strait is the gate and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. (Matthew 7:13-14)

These two scriptures are the essence of the gospel message and yet many of today's "Christians" continue to follow Willow Creek's blind guides into the global abyss seeking the emotional gratification of group acceptance. It is clear that those who remain loyal to the church-growth movement do so because it is where their friends and family are and they just can't bear to forfeit such valuable relationships for the cause of Christ. It is a travesty that the cross is so readily forsaken for the frivolity of compromised companionship. These poor souls never seem to grasp that in doing this they exchange the "Agape" love of Christ for the "Phileo" love of ecumenism. Tragically, some even convince themselves they can carry out a ministry by playing along in these "Temples of Doom" forgetting the Apostle Paul's warning to not be "unequally yoked together with unbelievers". (II Corinthians 6:14)

The fact is Willow Creek and Saddleback utilize many of Satan's carnal tools to promote the global agenda believing as socialists do, that the end justifies the means. The "church growth movement" is about growing churches and budgets instead of Christians. It is "seeker-sensitive" because it is not God sensitive. It focuses on "felt needs" instead of spiritual needs. So, rather than equipping saints to go out into the world to rescue the lost from a culture of death they employ the culture's own singers, celebrities and salesmen to seduce them into their apostasy by marketing a gospel of gratification. It is the harlotry of hedonism and the very antithesis of all that is holy.

Regardless of what the spokesman said at Willow Creek's religious forum, "...There is none other name under Heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." (Acts 4:12)

It is still Jesus Christ plus NOTHING

36 posted on 02/10/2007 5:56:38 PM PST by DaveTesla (You can fool some of the people some of the time......)
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To: Conservativegreatgrandma
The National Council of Churches
is actually a national council of the WCC run by the
Communist U.N.

Satan and his helper Hegel's church.

Rev. 17
And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was full of blasphemous names, and it had seven heads and ten
horns. The woman was clothed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and jewels and pearls, holding in her
hand a golden cup full of abominations and the impurities of her fornication; and on her forehead was written a
name, a mystery: “Babylon the great, mother of whores and of earth’s abominations.” And I saw that the
woman was drunk with the blood of the saints and the blood of the witnesses to Jesus.
38 posted on 02/10/2007 6:27:35 PM PST by DaveTesla (You can fool some of the people some of the time......)
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