6:00am Headline News (paraphrase) Officials are reporting the Pentagon used misleading intelligence estimates in the builup to the Iraq war.
A lie repeating over-and-over-and-over-and-over by X number of media outlets reaching how many millions of ears...unchallenged...no counterargument...no repercussions.
Then it is picked up by foreign enemies and used as mental ammo for programming the radical robots to kill our armed forces.
We haven't even been hit by the Sunday drive-by yet.
Over-and-over-and-over and amplified and legitimized by the likes of Michigan's senator Carl Levin.
A disgusting, lethal attack on the Pentagon and America's finest.
(Thanks to the truth-seekers)
Lefties repeat lies via MSM over and over.
Academic Lefties: ban "rote" learning especially in math.
Douglas Feith is supposed to be on Fox News Sunday tomorrow...I don't know if he is going to be on any other show or if they are going to put someone opposite him to debate him...
It seems that every year that goes by, the media gets more and more blatant in its bias. They don't even try to cover it anymore and when caught making mistakes like this, it's extremely rare that they print a correction.
By this time in the history of conservative web sites and fact checkers, I really thought the media would have cleaned up its act. I couldn't have been more wrong.