Brooklyn Museum art controversy
In 1999 Giuliani threatened to cut off city funding for the Brooklyn Museum if the museum did not remove a number of works in an exhibit entitled Sensation: Young British Artists from the Saatchi Collection. One work in particular, The Holy Virgin Mary by Turner Prize winning-artist Chris Ofili (a Catholic himself), featured the Virgin Mary next to elephant dung and female genitalia pictures. It was targeted as being offensive to some in the Christian community in New York, leading the artist to comment that "This is all about control."
COLMES: Now, on abortion now, you are pro-choice, right?
COLMES: You're a pro-choice Republican.
COLMES: Now, Roe vs. Wade -- You are pro-choice. How important is it to you as a pro-choice Republican to have a pro-choice on the court as someone...
GIULIANI: That is not the critical factor. And what's important to me is to have a very intelligent, very honest, very good lawyer on the court. And he fits that category, in the same way Justice Ginsburg fit that category.
I mean, she was she maybe came at it from a very different political background, very qualified lawyer, very smart person.
Bunny, you have Freepmail.
When it wasn't fashionable and during a time when the Clinton WH was hosting Arafat more than any other guest, Rudy dissed Arafat and kicked him out of a concert hall in NYC.
Now that's my kind of guy!