To: Nephi; DocH; narses; Reagan Man
You all make up the FR Bitter Brigade.
To: Rex Anderson
Well, the leading edge of it anyway...
A few are missing.
409 posted on
02/05/2007 7:06:55 PM PST by
(Honk if you like Fred Thompson!!!)
To: Rex Anderson
Rudolph GiulianiEx-mayor, business consultantAge 60
Born Brooklyn, New York, May 28, 1944
Military service None
Reason Student deferments (Manhattan College 1965; NYU Law School 1968); special deferment at request of federal judge for whom he was clerking.
Quote "Freedom is about authority."
417 posted on
02/05/2007 7:07:41 PM PST by
To: Rex Anderson
Let's not call names. We have a long nomination and election road ahead of us.
We all want the same outcomes, but see different ways to get there. :-)
493 posted on
02/05/2007 7:19:21 PM PST by
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