Well, I'm not. And I'm wondering why make it mandatory anyway? HPV isn't a threat like measles or smallpox. If vaccination's such a great idea, then I think parents will go for it if it's right for their kid/s. And if they don't, the kid can get it when the kid's an adult. What's next, BTW? Mandatory anti-obesity meds, if they become available? I think making this mandatory is a rotten idea.
This isn't the first anti-cancer vaccine that has been made mandatory. Hepatitis B vaccine prevents liver cancer.
Why start at age 11 or 12? Is it necessary for the shot to be effective? Or is it because they are considered "not at risk" before that age?
This vaccine only works when given to the young, especially before puberty. That is why it must be given to 9-11 year olds.
Doctors say that somewhere between 30 to 50% of all women have this virus. Most boys and men who carry this show no symptoms at all. Ever. But they can and will pass this on.
I am totally for this for personal reasons.
When I was pregnant I was diagnosed with Cervical cancer. It was advanced-I had always had tests, but it was undiagnosed or mis diagnosed until then. I had a c section then a radical hysterectomy one after another. I spent 6 days in the hospital and the last 3 years in treatment. Instead of spending time with my new baby (the only one I will ever have) I spent it with my head in a toilet puking my guts out and losing all my hair. I may die. Odds are not in my favor. If I could have had that vaccine this may not have happened. My son may have had a mother when he gets older. My husband may have had me longer. Who knows. A vaccine may not have helped me, but I will never know that, and I wish I could have had a way to possibly stop this from afflicting me and my family. A vaccine will not make a 9 year old have sex. That is ridiculous. But a vaccine may keep a family together years later. The very minute this is approved for boys my son is getting this. If I can keep him from getting sick or passing this on to someone else I will. This isn't like measles or mumps. It's far far worse.
I am not saying I agree with the mandate, but I have to point out as an RN that since in this state GYNS are now testing for HPV with the annual routine pap, many many women are surprisingly coming up + for HPV. And I am not talking promiscious women, I mean wives who have been married many years and obtained it from a past partners. My coworkers and myself tend to talk very candidly about this stuff and FOUR of my co workers (all married women with children of various ages) are + for HPV. Just something to think about. HPV is alot more common then the average person would think.