If we really want to have a bigger impact in March, we need to join with other conservative groups and bloggers.
These anti war groups have been organizing since before the Afghanistan war and as you know, there are many different groups marching under their anti american banner. They are also well funded by George Soros, et al.
Just a few thoughts anyway. Thanks to all who were able to attend and have heart.
God Bless Our Troops!!
I know im only 16 years old, and dont have much experience in this world. But i am an American, and im proud to be one. And NOTHING pisses me off more then when i see all these liberals and anti-war protesters spewing lies about how this war is "illegal" and "wrong". Unfortuanetly, kids my age belive everything they hear on the liberal run media. Only a handfull of others at my school and myself still support this war. I even have a friend that buys into this "9-11 Conspiracy" crap. What can be done to set the youth straight? To let them know that if we abandon our persuit, all is lost. This radical liberal movement can be our countrys demise.