--THIS ISSUE is much bigger than parking lots. --
I agree. But that was the issue you put to me originally and the one we were discussing. Are you now disagreeing with the GA law?
No one is saying that you can't do that.
It's weird luis how you can rationalize your attempts to infringe by simply saying 'it isn't so'. Sheer denial.
You might however, have to shop places where there are no restrictions on the contents of your car, and work for employers who don't set rules of access to their property that you don't agree with.
Yes luis, we "might". -- If we are fools enough to allow such infringements, we "might" one day have the right to own arms without the right to carry them anywhere.
You and the NRA are trying to engage the power of government to violate everyone's right to make decisions for themselves.
'We the people' made the decision on carrying arms long ago luis. -- You businessmen cannot place restrictions on the contents of our vehicles. -- Learn to live with our Constitutional decisions.
UpAllNight wrote:
tpaine -- THIS ISSUE is much bigger than parking lots. --
I agree.
But that was the issue you put to me originally and the one we were discussing. Are you now disagreeing with the GA law? Are you saying that the GA law which is consistent with my position is a gun-grabbing law? I thought you agreed with it?
You seem obsessed with your vision of what the GA bill meant to achieve. -- Why is that, considering that you agree:
"--The issue is carrying a firearm in your private vehicle for protection of yourself and your family when you are traveling to and from work, to and from shopping and to and from any place law-abiding citizens normally go in the course of daily routines. --"