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To: mystery-ak

The Navy Memorial is where the Navy holds memorial services and tributes. Wreath laying ceremonies occur there on Pearl Harbor Day, Veterans Day and Memorial Day.

138 posted on 01/24/2007 4:46:44 PM PST by kristinn
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To: kristinn
I've never wanted to go to a FReep so badly in my life!

I was just a child when this traitor and John Kerry and their ilk did their bloody work originally, but I remember the controversy on the evening news (in fact, Jane is how I learned the word: "Mommy, what does 'treason' mean?", LOL) and have NEVER understood why they weren't held accountable. I consider the failure to prosecute and punish their outright, unambiguous treason one of the biggest blunders of modern history -- this country is STILL suffering the consequences today. The radical left's warped revisionist history of Vietnam is THE source of most of the lunacy that poisons our national will to do what we need to do in Iraq and elsewhere.

The RIVERS of blood that flowed from literally MILLIONS of innocents due to Jane Fonda and her collaborators' actions decades ago were apparently not enough for her, she wants to make us repeat the whole fiasco in another part of the world! And THIS time around, she can't even hide behind the excuse of being a young, naive idealist inexperienced in the ways of the world and in way over her head. Despite her numerous "apologies" over the years, she has learned absolutely nothing.

Her very participation in today's war protests proves that her previous treasonous activity was NO youthful miscalculation. Today she is (theoretically, at least) a mature adult, older and wiser, and the only conclusion an observer can draw is that she was not troubled enough by the slaughter of millions -- slaughtered as a direct result of this country following the very policy she promoted! -- to re-evaluate her belief system. No, she STILL believes this lethal garbage, just as passionately as she believed it then. If she ever did examine her conscience, it appears she felt the outcome was acceptable.

No one who didn't believe in it could continue to advocate "pull out" as a path to "peace" after having seen the results: mountainous piles of human skulls, warehouses crammed with the bleached bones of millions of human beings who WERE alive to watch Jane Fonda and her comrades persuade our politicians to abandon them to the killing fields. Those photos of the rows and rows of anonymous skulls -- their empty eye sockets bearing witness to the results of Jane's military and geopolitical acumen -- should sear any normal civilized person's conscience.

But today Hanoi Jane returns to give our nation advice on how to conduct a war... and it's the SAME advice! The left needs yet more oceans of blood to keep their hatred of America afloat. Fear not, the new and improved Baghdad Jane will help them navigate the deep red waters... after all, she's done it before.

These people are sociopaths. They are encouraging the enemy to fight on, endangering our troops, and possibly even Western Civilization itself -- and THEY DON'T CARE. They are drenched in blood from the Vietnam War, and they call themselves heroes for it -- it would be laughably delusional if it weren't so dangerous to the rest of us. They MUST be opposed and exposed. Once again, you stalwarts in the DC Chapter find yourselves on the front lines of the warfront here at home. You make us all so proud....

This FReep is one that I would actually drive halfway across the country for under normal circumstances, unfortunately it is impossible this month -- and I feel as though I'm shirking my duty not just as a FReeper, but as an American citizen, for missing it. Will be standing with the DC Chapter in spirit, and a modest contribution to the Chapter will go out in tomorrow's mail. Eagles Up and God bless you guys!

229 posted on 01/24/2007 9:36:55 PM PST by TheSarce ("America is NOT what's wrong with this world." --Donald Rumsfeld)
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