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To: null and void
Didn't South Park already have as episode about this.
Scientology is so sued.
193 posted on
01/23/2007 3:25:44 PM PST by
(95% of Al-Jazzera Viewers Agree... the world is less safe (for them) since 9/11)
To: null and void
Hehe.. this is too funny. If he thought his career was on the rocks before just wait. I am laughing at the comments at the website that are under the article too. I see a few freepers are busy ;)
To: null and void
I thought it was Stan Marsh!
Mark John Doe
209 posted on
01/23/2007 7:49:48 PM PST by
(When Kaylee says "No power in the `verse can stop me," it's cute. When River says it, it's scary!)
To: lightman
Just when you thought the Hollywood types could not possible get any weirder...
Not sure whether to laugh or cry about this one. These people are SO messed up!
211 posted on
01/23/2007 8:03:19 PM PST by
(May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.)
To: null and void
Outstanding! Now bring me some timber and nails and we can find out for sure....
212 posted on
01/23/2007 8:06:39 PM PST by
Cogadh na Sith
(There's an open road from the cradle to the tomb.)
To: null and void
Has Tom signed off on this?
213 posted on
01/23/2007 9:15:14 PM PST by
To: null and void; WKB; NYer; wagglebee; little jeremiah
I think I'm going to puke.
221 posted on
01/24/2007 5:31:12 AM PST by
(Welfare was never meant to be a career choice.)
To: null and void
Sorry, Tom, you're not Christ.
I just spoke with Him this morning, and He told me so.
To: null and void
Three days after Cruise dies we'll see about the whole 'Christ of Scientology' title. Until then, I'm not persuaded.
228 posted on
01/24/2007 7:20:12 AM PST by
AD from SpringBay
(We have the government we allow and deserve.)
To: null and void
One of my guilty pleasures is reading Hollywood news type blogs (PerezHilton; Hollywood Grind; TMZ; MollyGood). All the blogs offer readers the opportunity to comment (just like FR, but trashy). Anything that mentions TomKat (his relationship handle with the Mrs.) brings loads of (hysterically funny) comments on Scientology. The great unwashed masses have a field day with the 'thetans.' Scientology has done more to hurt his career (or public persona) than coming out of the closet ever would.
During the recent Beckomania that hit So. Cal. when Beckham signed with LA soccer, it was stated by Beckham that he 'sought the counsel of his good friend, Tom Cruise.' Wow. The backlash (online) was a scream.
229 posted on
01/24/2007 7:34:59 AM PST by
(Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you...)
To: null and void
Well, he makes bread out of whine, so he is Scientology's Christ for a host of reasons.
235 posted on
01/24/2007 7:56:03 AM PST by
N. Theknow
((Kennedys - Can't drive, can't fly, can't ski, can't skipper a boat - But they know what's best.))
To: null and void
Like Christ, he's been criticised for his views. So everybody on FR is Christ, then?
237 posted on
01/24/2007 7:59:12 AM PST by
(It's hard to be religious when certain people don't get struck by lightning.)
To: Froufrou
You have got to be s******* me ping.
243 posted on
01/24/2007 8:54:40 AM PST by
(If you have to ask permission from Uncle Sam, then it's not a right)
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