Most folks, however, think that these constitute a majority of abortions.
Where do you get this from? I'm sure you've got a legit poll that you are culling this statement from. Can you produce it?
I am calling you out on this one, as I think it is simply made up.
Dear dmz,
I've seen polls that show this from time to time over the years.
In the past, I've even dug 'em up on-line and posted links.
However, I find this crapulent propagandistic filth oozing out from Mr. Giuliani's rear end so positively disgusting that I'm inclined to tell all his backers, do your own homework.
Dear dmz,
In spite of the fact that this article is putrid sewage propaganda, here are a few links with some interesting information:
This is a poll from late 2006.
One question asked is whether abortion should be illegal with only one exception - the life of the mother. It shows fully 45% in favor, with 51% opposed.
However, the next question is whether abortion should be: 1) always legal; 2) sometimes legal; 3) always illegal.
The first circumstance is what we actually have under Roe - abortion is always legal. A woman may procure the murder of her unborn child at any time during her pregnancy. That's the law of the land.
Twenty-four percent of adults support that legal regime.
Likewise, only 24% of adults support a complete and total, no exceptions ban on abortion.
And 50% of adults support that abortion should be "Sometimes Legal."
However, the implication of that result is that without realizing it, most people favor a legal regime for abortion that would require overturning Roe.
Here's an interesting poll from a few years ago that points up the precise contradiction about which I'm speaking. It's from ABC News, that font of pro-life propaganda:
American Views on Abortion
Situation Should Be Legal Should Be Illegal
All or Most Cases 57% 42
To Save Woman's Life 88 10
To Save Woman's Health 82 14
In Cases of Rape/Incest 81 17
Physically Impaired Baby 54 40
To End Unwanted Pregnancy 42 57
D&X/Partial-Birth Abortions 23 69
Pregnancy is 6 Months+ 11 86
Fifty-seven percent of folks think that abortion should be legal in all or most cases. But 57% also believe that it shouldn't be legal to end an unwanted pregnancy.
Yet, 96% of all abortions are to end an unwanted pregnancy.
Thus, 57% of the population favors banning 96% of abortions.
Here's another site that gives results to polls, including one that shows that majorities believe that abortion should be:
Legal if there is a strong chance of serious defect in the baby
ILLEGAL if she is married and does not want any more children
Legal if the woman's own health is seriously endangered by the pregnancy
ILLEGAL if the family has a very low income and cannot afford any more children
Legal if she became pregnant as the result of rape
ILLEGAL if she is not married and does not want to marry the man
ILLEGAL if the woman wants it for any reason
Here's a link to a Zogby poll from 2004 that shows that most folks have a generally pro-life attitude: