Monday, January 15, 2007
Possible relief from Ruth Sheehan columns?
You heard it here first (at least in The N&O.) My husband is pursuing a position in Wilmington, NC, his hometown. Read about it here .
Go Harry?
Posted at 02:27 pm by Ruth Sheehan in General
Wow I guess they are quite a team. I have been an academic for 25+ years at a number of institutions. I have NEVER seen an attempt to strong arm oneself into a job like this one.
It is shameless. First the guy applies for a job before the position is announced. BTW, if he does not reapply once it is announced he probably can not be legally hired. Then he or his wife leaks his application to the local paper again before there is a job advertised and a search committe. Then his wife writes about his application for this not yet existing openning on her employer's website.
He would never get a job this way at a four year institution. JUCOs are more political so maybe this will work. Certainly "I want to come home" is not a qualificaton for this job. [BTW, the bad news for us is that a columnist could easily work from a remote site.]
And finally, I guess Sheehan remains too stupid to see that she along with her husband are jumping the gun again JUST LIKE SHE DID ON THE DUKE LACROSSE ALLEGATIONS!!!!! Talk about a slow learner.