You always see all sides to the story, Riverman94610. I have a great deal of respect for that. I tend to be hotheaded, looking out of these two eyes only. That will be my New Year's Resolution, to consider every view first, then act or opine secondly.
You represent well,suga.
Someone quoted Aristotle a few days ago about"the sign of an educated person is one who can entertain an idea without necessarily endorsing it".I like to think that descibes my philosophy.
Some of the most conservative black women I ever knew were those who came up poor in the South.They would have raked you over the coals if you CALLED them conservative but they were repulsed by abortion,had at least a COUPLE of guns in the house,had no use for dogooder liberals trying to"deconstruct"their history and when it came to childrearing,it was like James Brown said,"mama come here quick and bring that lickin'stick"and"papa don't take no mess"