Cindy is ...something.....I am not sure what at this point. I am so glad I am not her. What a drag that must be.
People keep incorrectly using the B-word here to describe her. My apologies to all the female dogs of the world, for it isn't an apt comparison.
There. That's better.
Cindy isn't alone, and those of us who remember Ford's presidency should recognize her: the bony, screeching twenty-something witches who acted as if they would die TOMORROW if they didn't get their United States of Socialism benefits handed to them, and God help you if you actually treated them like *women*, after all the ERA was in the air, don'tcha know. They were always fighting for something, always at the tops of their lungs: fighting for equal rights, fighting for the end of the war (ironic, no?), fighting for the inner cities (and they didn't even live there!), fighting for their right to abort, fighting for the right to toke up whenever and wherever they wished, fighting to break through that glass ceiling, blah, blah, blah. They could have given banshees lessons in 1975 and Cindy is just one example of someone who never left. Don't think for a second that she's alone, she's only the loudest. The fact that we're hearing anything she says means that someone is listening to her.
As a side note, I wonder if she's paid any taxes on all the support she's received from her fans over the last three years. That's taxable, you know.