Nor is it mine.
The following speech recently held at Heritage Foundation, gives a concise but in my opinion correct view of the EU. Apart from the drive towards relentless regulation, note the part about the European Defence Procurement Agency. The EU will do its utmost to sever the UK/US alliance.
Except for the issues regarding defence and foreign policy the speech could have been about Sweden instead of the UK.
We (at least the majority of the Swedes - I voted no) were also tricked to vote for something else than the political union we are now getting. Our economy had even begun to be more liberalized than most other EU nations before we entered - the regulations in the agricultural sector had just been disbanded when they had to be reintroduced again due to our EU membership, our social security system is based on ideas by Milton Friedman and his disciples in the Cato institute).
Is the E.U. America's Friend or Foe?
My motto is:
The EU out of Sweden - Sweden out of the EU
We would do very well with the same trading agreements that Norway and Switzerland have.
Thants a good read scania and I agree 100% with the article. The EU is a communist lite system(Soviet like).The US can stand on its own. I just feel sorry for the nations that can not and will be swallowed by another marxist union.