Ellison was hand picked by Rahm Emmanuel (Head of the DCC) and Ellison's district is about 90% Arab/Muzzie. (Source Brit Hume).
Brit had a report of this today. ONE GOP Congressman with some LARGE Cojones...GOOD FOR HIM!!
This is THE start of Muzzies taking over the USA, from within, WITH the cooperation and appeasment of the DemoSocialists.
90% of MN-5 is Arab and/or Muslim? Since Congressional districts have approximately 600,000 residents, that would mean that there were 540,000 Arabs and/or Muslims in Minneapolis and its suburbs -- and yet we've heard almost nothing of this threat from the clear-eyed patriots of the Nuke Mecca Crowd.
Seriously, if Brit Hume is really the source of this, we have no reason to trust Brit Hume ever again.