Admirable sentiment, but buried in loads of "poor me" claptrap.
Many of us had upbringings that weren't ideal. But we got over it. Life's like that.
If she's so eager to say that others shouldn't have kids in such a way, then she's also saying that she shouldn't have been born, isn't she?
In a theoretical sense, of course she is. But she is not whining, she is speaking out to stop others from being created on purpose with no intent of providing a father.
I know I am going out on a limb on this thread, but consider the concept of a woman's absolute right not to carry a child who is conceived by rape. In that instance the woman chooses not to have a certain father in a potential child's life.
Whether it is a food stamp using mother or a Hollywood megastar, by artificial insemination conception the child is deliberately created to live a life without a father.
These two positions (rejecting a rapist's baby or making an anonymous baby) focus entirely on the woman, and give no consideration to the psyche of the planned child. Both are totally self-centered.
Of course, we all live with the cards we are dealt, as this writer says. It is the designer production of human beings that she is bringing to the attention of her audience. I applaud her.
No, that doesn't follow. As others have pointed out, most of us come into existence with some burden: we were an untimely or difficult pregnancy, or our parents didn't get along, or there was alcoholism or addiction or something twisted or cold or weirdness of some kind. And yet we live and do our best with what we have.
The point is, these things that can "burden" an existence, may be borne as happenstance, but they shouuldn't be inflicted deliberately. People don't go around promoting parental brokenness. But that's just the situation with single-woman vendor-insemination: the brokenness is deliberate.
Katrina here may deal with it thoughtfully and creatively and constructively, and I think she's doing so.
But she wants the world to know that children do have a need for wholeness. And that in her case, the brokenness was deliberate. And that it hurts.