To: Zakeet
Officials have also drawn up contingency plans for him to wear a bulletproof vest beneath his papal vestments
One Islamofascist sniper with the crosshairs lined up between the eyes of Pope Benedict XVI would make that a moot point.
Prayers for his safety.
4 posted on
11/27/2006 2:43:51 AM PST by
(The Shah doesn't look so bad now, eh? But nooo, Jimmah said the Ayatollah was a 'godly' man.)
To: mkjessup
So far most Muslims cannot shoot. This scenario is a shame.
7 posted on
11/27/2006 5:26:12 AM PST by
(Have you have gotten mixed up in a mish-masher?)
To: mkjessup
Good morning.
Perhaps the pope should wear a Kevlar and ceramic mitre.
Michael Frazier
13 posted on
11/27/2006 7:48:43 AM PST by
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