This data came from the N.O.A.A and is empirically drawn and presented from Vostok (Antarctic) ice core samples.
The data is not processed, other than to put it on a slide for view.
What it shows, is that the earth has had warm/cold cycles on ~120K year periods for as long as the measurement process allows. The range is rather consistent and ~12C. The C02 quantities tend to *follow* the temperature, but in the last 100 years has dramatically increased.
What is not shown, is that CO2 production relates to earthly temperature levels...AT ALL.
While it is possible that CO2 levels *might* raise temps, it might also result in a much more moderate ice age..which would be a good thing.
Yes,..and who then pays for the data to be interpreted and presented to the uninitiated? Environmental groups or Oil companies?
While it is possible that CO2 levels *might* raise temps, it might also result in a much more moderate ice age..which would be a good thing.
So.....we can't believe either theory? I guess, according to your interpretation, this data shows us that - in the long term - one of two things *might* happen depending on who is paying to analyze and present the data.