Trust me when I say, I do not envy anyone who goe sinto law enforcement as it is a very dangerous and unrewarding job. I weep for many of our officers who have sufferred at the hands of many arrogant and disprespectful people. I also undrstand that job stress can play a huge roll. After deling with 6 kids in a day I am ready to start playing soccor with thier butts and start sending them (punting actually) to their rooms for bed.
I can only imagine how a full day of listening to beligerant people can make a situation get out of hand quickly.
All in all I feel the young man was wrong and deserved what he got. I just wish the police had had a better chance to do things without the escalation. I don't like tasers, but if it is going to save your life, the life of the peron you are delaing with and everyone get home safe that night, I say let them spark.
Sorry about tha harsh cock and balls statement. It was probably out of line. I don't know what I would have done in that sitaution personally.
Ah, kids grow up too fast, I'm sure you enjoy them. I have a 'few' of my own. Everyone told me to study when I was a kid, but I wouldn't listen. Hard to raise a pack of kids on a police salary. It's OK though because I'm going to hit the lottery tonight.
Here's what I think. If I were to talk to somebody on the street the way most people talk to cops, I'd expect to get my fanny whooped.
I don't understand how people can cuss a cop up one side and down the other and think it's acceptable. Or not expect to get arrested for it.