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1 posted on 11/15/2006 10:57:04 AM PST by Seven Minute Maniac
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To: Seven Minute Maniac

Please help me understand the purpose of having to have the government recognize two guys who want to play husband and wife. Can they reproduce? Does one have to stay home and take care of the kids? If they want to pretend to be something they are not, that is their business, but don't drag everyone else into it.

2 posted on 11/15/2006 11:01:19 AM PST by Always Right
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To: Seven Minute Maniac

A suggestion, ask them if they remember the Ancient Greeks?
They thought Homosexuality was fine, but not homosexual marriage nor in any civilization up until now. And in Europe where they are so progressive, the institution of marriage has suffered greatly as a result.

3 posted on 11/15/2006 11:01:42 AM PST by True Republican Patriot (God Bless America and The Republicans)
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To: Seven Minute Maniac
It's not marriage.

It's not natural.

It's not according to God's word...and make no mistake about it, this nation was founded upon, has prospered according to, and has its roots and foundation built upon traditional Christian values.

In reality, that is why we are so tolerant...but should not (and indeed, cannnot) be so tolerant to the point of calling right wrong and wrong right. Otherwise our Republic, our prosperity, our very freedoms and lives will be at risk.

4 posted on 11/15/2006 11:02:05 AM PST by Jeff Head (Freedom is not free...never has been, never will be)
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To: Seven Minute Maniac

Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

(from Romans Chapter 1)

5 posted on 11/15/2006 11:07:59 AM PST by Cedar
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To: Seven Minute Maniac

marriage is a union of a man and a woman in order to create a family. when a man can have sex with a man, or a woman have sex with a woman, and create a child, then they can get married.

6 posted on 11/15/2006 11:09:10 AM PST by joe fonebone (Israel, taking out the world's trash since 1948.)
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To: Seven Minute Maniac

This is about gay marriage. Maybe I am nuts , but I always figured pushing the marriage issue the same way as a man and a woman was just a way of setting it up to go into churches all over the country and demand pastors marry them. Even if it is against his religious belief. If he says "no , I cannot", they will then complain that their constitutional rights are being violated, setting up a scenario of removing tax exempt status. Another way of trying to destroy the church in America. To one who is not religious, probably doesn't bother them.

7 posted on 11/15/2006 11:10:04 AM PST by dforest (Don't get fooled, the bigger struggle is still out there, and growing)
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To: Seven Minute Maniac
Look up Maggie Gallagher's works on the family and gay marriage, search the archives of First Things, and look around National Review's website. You'll find plenty of rational ammunition.
8 posted on 11/15/2006 11:10:10 AM PST by Dumb_Ox (
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To: Seven Minute Maniac

It's the slippery slope...

Today it's homosexual marriage. Once you redefine marriage, though, why limit it there. Why not any union? When marriage is no longer a special and sacred institution, it will no longer be an institution at all.

In the end, this is their agenda: the destruction of marriage.

Paraphrased from "The Incredibles": ... and when everyone's super... no one will be.

10 posted on 11/15/2006 11:11:15 AM PST by pgyanke (We can't share the blessings of peace with those for whom violence is holy imperative. -andy58-in-nh)
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To: Seven Minute Maniac
Unless we obey God's word we will suffer consequences.

America is the 6th Chruch of Philadelphia spoken of in the Bible. God has nothing against those who obey his Word. It is written that we will be able to purify our land of such evil. So it is up to us to pass laws that are not contrary to God's laws.

This is God's world and we are nothing without the blood of His Son saving us from sin.
11 posted on 11/15/2006 11:11:18 AM PST by Battle Axe (Repent for the coming of the Lord is nigh!)
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To: Seven Minute Maniac
First and foremost when you take on this argument remember the debate is overthe PREMISE that each side takes, not the path to the conclusion. The Left says: (PREMISE) Marriage is about two people who love each other, (CONCLUSION) therefore gay people should be allowed to marry. We say: (PREMISE) Marriage is a union between a man and a woman, (CONCLUSION) therefore same-sex arrangements are not marriage and can never be marriage.

Always take it back to the PREMISE that they try to slip past you. This is how we lost the abortion debate, we let them change the PREMISE of the argument.

If we toss out the premise that marriage is a union between a man and a woman, then we open the door to every possible arrangement including unions founded on polygamy, pedophilia and bestiality.

Once marriage becomes anything to anyone, then it becomes meaningless -- nothing more than the myriad of arrangements people make for a dinner out or a movie.

12 posted on 11/15/2006 11:12:01 AM PST by ElkGroveDan
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To: Seven Minute Maniac

You'll never convince them.Don't even bother trying.

13 posted on 11/15/2006 11:12:07 AM PST by Gay State Conservative ("An empty limousine pulled up and Hillary Clinton got out")
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To: Seven Minute Maniac

Mark 10:6-9 niv: (Jesus said)
6. But at the beginning of creation God 'made them male and female.7. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one. 9. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.

14 posted on 11/15/2006 11:12:52 AM PST by RolandTignor
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To: Seven Minute Maniac

It's aberrant behavior. The Bible says so.

One more thing: You can't argue with drunks and idiots. That's a lesson you can't learn early enough in life.

Odds are, your prof is a creep who's never really worked for a living, and most of your fellow students are too dumb and innocent to know any better 'cause they never went to church or temple while growing up. That's the fault of their folks.

How's that?

16 posted on 11/15/2006 11:13:07 AM PST by RexBeach ("Important principles may, and must be, inflexible." Abraham Lincoln)
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To: Seven Minute Maniac
It's rather simple actually. I would state it as follows:

1) I believe in absolute truth.
2) I believe that there is a God, and that the Bible is inspired, inerrant Word of God.
3) The Bible states that marriage is the uniting of a man to a woman.
4) The Bible states that homosexuality is wrong.
5) Case closed.

Don't let the moral relativists get under your skin. No amount of arguing is going to convince a liberal to change their position on this or any other issue. It is only God who can change a man's heart and open their eyes to see the error of their ways.
17 posted on 11/15/2006 11:13:21 AM PST by tfelice (Romans 8:29-31)
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To: Seven Minute Maniac
Well, it is more than just semantics with me because just as you cannot term a duck a rabbit, you cannot call any arrangement other than one man and one woman bond by matrimonial contract "marriage." Now, personally I don't care if two people are living together whether same or opposite sex and I don't see why it's any of my business...I also don't care if you call their arrangements "civil unions," "common law," or "shacking up" and grant to them next of kin, power of attorney and property rights when their "partner" is ill or incapacitated. Just don't call it marriage because it isn't!
18 posted on 11/15/2006 11:13:31 AM PST by meandog (These are the times that try men's souls!)
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To: Seven Minute Maniac

Robert P George of Princeton has some stuff you might be interested in. You can search around the Web for articles...his book "Clash of Orthodoxies" has a whole chapter on it. He doesn't base his arguments on religious revelation, which is important when debating the secular left. There are reasons to oppose gay marriage that have nothing to do with what the Bible says.

You can start here:

See also here:

19 posted on 11/15/2006 11:14:11 AM PST by Beauceron
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To: Seven Minute Maniac

if you're looking for some historical coverage of societies that
have been approving of homosexual liasons (some virtually "gay marriage")
the link below might be of interest.

WARNING: Contains GRAPHIC, ADULT descriptions (in context)

20 posted on 11/15/2006 11:14:50 AM PST by VOA
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To: Seven Minute Maniac; Always Right

Hubs and I had friends who were 'partners' for more than 25 years. Close enough that we stayed in their guest room more than once. At Christmas, even.

One night, one of the guys tells me that he walked in on the other one with their nephew performing an act of intimacy. This ruined my opinions of them because it made a sham of the relationship. However, the one who told me about it ended the friendship and has most likely convinced the town that we're homophobes.

I've since come to the decision that it is most likely not possible for two gay men to be faithful to one another. Whether they care about fidelity or not, there's no denying that this behavior is unhealthy on many levels.

Look at the first 'legal' gay married couple in MA. They're already divorced and so are the first lesbian couple. Whether lesbians are monogamous, I don't know. Of all the gay men I've known, they all cheat.

21 posted on 11/15/2006 11:16:19 AM PST by Froufrou
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To: Seven Minute Maniac

It's about the kids, kids do best in a traditional family(man and woman).A child who doesn't learn about the Yin and Yang will grow up deformed.

22 posted on 11/15/2006 11:17:50 AM PST by John Lenin (The most dangerous place for a child in America is indeed in its mother's womb)
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To: Seven Minute Maniac
I could care less what two (or more) consenting adults do in their bedroom. But once you legitimize/legalize the relationship you are opening the door to all kinds of problems. Something as simple as a Christian family operating a bed and breakfast - for now they can deny rooms to unmarried couples. If gay marriage is legal and they denied rooms to a married gay couple they'd be shut down for descrimination. This has been done in Scotland. Catholic Social Services is getting out of the adoption business in the Peoples Republic of Mass. because they will not grant adoptions to gay couples, in the past they got around "descrimination" laws by not granting adoptions to nonmarried couples - with the status of gay marriage in Mass they would be guilty of descrimination for practicing their Christian principles.
23 posted on 11/15/2006 11:17:54 AM PST by Igthorn
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