By the author's small incestuous circle no doubt. But consistently in polls on all types of GOP leaning blogs, both conservative, libertarian and moderate, and in conversations at the copier, Newt is the most mentioned candidate. Romney is a distant 4th in virtually every poll.
When Condi Rice's name is added, she is always #1 with every faction of Republicans, including those factions that disagree with her positiion on their favorite issue.
In short, this article is not worth reading. I did not waste my time reading to the end.
I would love to see Condoleezza Rice as president. However, as a resident of the Socialist Republic of Maryland, I was deeply shocked and horrified to see the treatment of the excellent Michael Steele in the last race, particularly the snubbing and ungracious behavior by other blacks, who regard conservatives as turncoats. It wasn't pretty.
It made me rethink whether our nation is really capable of doing the mature thing. I have newfound doubts, after seeing what was done to Steele, about Rice's candidacy in the strategic sense -- whether she has enough fire in her soft-spoken presentation to be regarded as a war leader and savior of a wobbling republic, as was the "iron lady" Margaret Thatcher.