Sorry, Rush, that dog won't hunt. Some very solid conservatives went down big time. Santorum. Blackwell, DeVos and otehrs. It's wasn't the lack of conservatismn. IT was problems with the top.
They made a severe mistake.
That's SOCIAL conservatism.
The ideology of economic conservatism: tax reform, low spending, noncorrupt government.... that's all still fine.
Note that Blackwell was badly hurt by Republican corruption in Ohio.
I think so too.
The best thing to do at this moment is to do an honest assessment of what happened and fix it.
It was about Iraq. The above supported it, the conservative democrats were against it, plain and simple. Other than JoeMentum, who got the Republican votes, thats how it went down. The Iraq war is largely unpopular. I dont like it, I'm tired of it, I dont support a cut and run policy of course, but those who aren't as principled as I am (the 20% mushy middle/ aka "Swing" voters), voted for a change, but one that was fairly conservative. Look at all the states that banned Gay Marriage? That was a liberal debacle.