I respectfully dissagree, just the opposite, I agree with Rush, Republicans lost because of the lack of party unity and the fear of being labled "conservative"
It was the war, pure and simple. Those conservative Democrats (Rush's term) who won ran, with the notable exception of the not-so-conservative Lieberman, as antiwar candidates.
Which Republicans ran on a prochoice platform? Which of them stood up for Harriet Miers and dared to challenge the opposition to her nomination, or opposed "stealth candidates"? Jim Talent barely reminded voters that he did NOT oppose stem cell research-which other Republicans agreed? Who did not attend an emergency Schiavo rescue session?
The list goes on and on with examples of how Republicans allowed an agenda to be determined by those who refer to themselves as conservatives, not Republicans. Few if any Republicans dared to appear as "moderates". I strongly believe Republicans were defeated because people rejected what they believe is "extremism".