Pray for our soldiers that our enemies will not be emboldened into causing greater carnage. Our country needs to make a choice on the War on Terror-- either we fight it to win, or we do something besides fight. Fighting to lose as the Democrats seem to suggest as the strategy is not an option.
Hopefully he'll make these points:
1. Wants the temporary tax cuts made permanent with the next congress.
2. Calls for a bill to end partial birth abortion immediately.
3. States that any resistance from countries/areas that threaten our troops (Iran, Syria, Sadr City) will now be flattened. (Not sure we should target the Congrss now... ;) )
4. Flag burning ammendment.
Let the new Congress show what they're going to be like from the beginning because they will howl at each of these points. It is now the President's responsibility to mold the battlefield for 2008.
Speaking of our soldiers, I hope their votes counted this election.