To: pissant
President Bush is responsible. He should have taken elocution lessons on a daily basis. His mind is good, his communication skills zero. I fear that he was kept out of the loop about the reality of the turning tide. The good news is that gay marriage went down, (for now) and that the conservatives democrats seem to have taken their party back. (for now). The president will regret the day he tied the hands of the military and began fighting the war according to opinion polls. Shock and awe worked, whine and gravel fails every time. Pathetic.
38 posted on
11/07/2006 10:29:11 PM PST by
(Live freep or die)
To: Binstence
If ALlen was perceived as being half the man Bush is, he'd have had a cakewalk. Didn't happen did it. ANd if you knew ANYTHING about what is going on in Afghanistan and Iraq you'd amaze yourself.
53 posted on
11/07/2006 10:32:18 PM PST by
To: Binstence
President Bush is responsible. He should have taken elocution lessons on a daily basis. There is no reason to get neurotic over this. Bush's speaking skills are far better today than they were when he started campaigning for 2000. And his performance on Rush's show the other day was top notch.
Let this be a lesson for the Republicans on getting too complacent, and for taking their majority for granted. I think Congress can be easily won back in 2008 and the presidency retained, if, we have a true conservative running as a conservative. Conservatism wins everytime it's tried. Meanwhile I will be one of the half billion people tuning in to Rush tomorrow. I listen to his whole show twice a day anyway, but especially more so tomorrow. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson