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How much is President Bush and Bushies to Blame for this Loss?
| 11/7/2006
| brianbaldwin
Posted on 11/07/2006 10:19:51 PM PST by Brian_Baldwin
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To: jrooney
This loss is to blame on only the republicans whom wanted to punish the gop by staying home or voting third party.
Keep telling yourself that. The vast majority of eligible voters in this country occupy the middle ground. Stuck in the FR echo chamber you might not realize this. They voted on the Iraq mess and the Republican scandal extravaganza, among other things. Read 'em and weep....I am.
To: McGavin999
I disagree with you that Rudy is as or more conservative as McCain on social issues, but I agree 100% with you that he would be tough when it comes to the War on Terror.
posted on
11/07/2006 11:28:18 PM PST
posted on
11/07/2006 11:28:28 PM PST
(God Bless America)
To: Brian_Baldwin
Once the Dems elect Pelosi, Pres Bush and VP Cheney should step down. Pelosi would become President.
As he gets on Air Force 1 for the last time, give the American public one last slaute, the one finger salute.
His last address should be, I heard you, America has heard you, and soon you will hear from the terrorist. Good luck, the Republicans can defend for themselves.
To: NinoFan
McCain left his first wife, for a younger version and got a new f-i-l with mob ties. He's old. His kind of cancer keeps coming back; Rudy's won't.
A LOT of Nam Vets HATE McLame.
I can go on and on, but I really must get off this thing.
Rudy's strengths are there, along with his baggage. The ONLY thing McQueeg has IS baggage.
To: Red Steel
An iron fist in 2003 would have been a better the Iraqi Army should not have been disbanded but coopted to help keep order during the transition....
posted on
11/07/2006 11:30:26 PM PST
Al Simmons
(Always look on the bright side of life!!!)
To: Prost1
Listen SWEETUMS, I'm not the "sick" one here...that would be you.
Would you prefer I called you a derogatory name instead?
To: MaxMax
Very thoughtful response.
posted on
11/07/2006 11:31:35 PM PST
To: Brian_Baldwin
From the NR blog:
Bad Election Day for Appropriators [Kathryn Jean Lopez] An e-mail: By my count there were seven vulnerable GOP appropriators (Sweeney (NY), Northrup (KY), Taylor (NC), Sherwood (PA), Walsh (NY), Kirk (IL), and Doolittle (CA)). As it stands now, it appears that four of those appropriators (Sweeney, Northrup, Taylor, and Sherwood) have lost. Taylor was even a "cardinal" as chairman of the Interior appropriators subcommittee. And the only reason that the three other vulnerable GOP appropriators are still standing is that the results aren't in yet. In the Senate, of the two vulnerable GOP appropriators (DeWine (OH) and Burns (MT)), DeWine has already lost. So much for the theory that pork delivers victory.
To: All
I guess they will post their victory statements later in the morning.
Folks, I hate to wake you all up, but we now have serious problems.
The future of Freedom in this country will now come into question, shortly.
Are we going to let Socialist Internationale and the CP impose it's will on us?
Just one of the many questions ahead.
posted on
11/07/2006 11:32:34 PM PST
(Defending Our Bill of Rights, Our Constitution, Our Country and Our Freedom!!!!)
To: Darkwolf377
posted on
11/07/2006 11:33:17 PM PST
(If the Romans had nukes, Carthage would still be glowing.)
To: NinoFan
But they aren't "DIFFERENT" at all!
Both divorced, both had cancer ( except that McCain's keeps coming back ), both have a whiff of Mafia in the background.
You keep claiming that you know all about McLame, yet you quite obviously do not, if you can post with a straight face that McQueeg's baggage is "different".
To: McGavin999
Except the "war on terror" will not be the message of the Dems. It's Socialist issues that will be the change of direction they are crowing about.
posted on
11/07/2006 11:38:14 PM PST
(God Bless Our Troops!!)
To: NinoFan
McCain is FOR gay marriage, Rudy is against it.
posted on
11/07/2006 11:38:18 PM PST
(Republicans take out our trash, Democrats re-elect theirs)
To: Sacajaweau
Yeah, that worked great for Clinton.
posted on
11/07/2006 11:39:12 PM PST
(Republicans take out our trash, Democrats re-elect theirs)
To: rogue yam
"we can recover from in 2008 if we act in a principled and disciplined manner."
Agreed. Eating our dead will only make us sick. We need to decide to move now to get this fixed. If it means following a new Republican or conservative who holds our view.
But we need to start now to work to make it right. What ever did not work we need to be rid of. Trying to appease the MSM and the dems did not do work. Getting away from our small government, smaller spending roots did not work.
Fighting the war on terror was the right thing, fighting it like Johnson did Vietnam (lawyer and pollster in every targeting meeting) was wrong.
Getting constitutionalists on the Supreme Court was the right thing, not seriously fighting illegal immigration was the wrong thing.
According to polling on ideas right up to today the country was mostly in our camp, our camp did not seem to offer them enough to stay.
In other words, our core roots that we almost all seem to believe in by participating on FR are valid and in line with the majority of Americans.
We just need a way to reaffirm what we stand for and find those who really believe as we do. We also need to find someone to present it to the public..
We also need to start guick and work hard. Two years passes fast.
posted on
11/07/2006 11:40:45 PM PST
To: nopardons
"Listen SWEETUMS..."
Goodnight, I do not care to converse with metrosexuals.
posted on
11/07/2006 11:44:21 PM PST
(Fair and Unbiased as always!)
To: LanaTurnerOverdrive
#181. Your post indicates the power of the MSM. I for one stopped watching them years ago, because of it's extreme left wing idealism. Same reason I stopped watching FOX. I was surprised to see so many people this evening finally realizing, FOX was almost as bad as the rest of the MSM.
I saw that quite some time ago. About 2 minutes of any on of the networks is all I can stand and then their flipped off.
If you constantly preach negativism, which is constantly what the MSM did, you get the negative results.
Well, tonight was a victory for negativism.
I only pray it's a shortlived negative blight on the country.
posted on
11/07/2006 11:44:21 PM PST
(Defending Our Bill of Rights, Our Constitution, Our Country and Our Freedom!!!!)
To: perfect_rovian_storm
3) The terrorists, who, with the same sort of help the NVA/VC go from the media, gave us a somewhat more drawn out version of Tet '68. They increased their efforts, and it cost them lots of casualies. Cost us quite a few too, every one of which the MSM trumpeted as a victory for the Terrorists.
posted on
11/07/2006 11:46:09 PM PST
El Gato
To: Brian_Baldwin
...whenever conservatives brought up the obvious problems with Bush from illegal immigration, to port deals, to his globalist friends and massive spending?
Part of the problem there is that you lump all of us together. Some of the above I was pissed off about, the reaction to the rest of it by certain "conservatives" tended to piss me off. Conservatism isn't a checklist of beliefs that people have to subscribe to be members of the club. There should be this thing in the conservative camp every now and then called a "debate".
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