(1) The Republicans will NOT hold the democrats 'feet to the fire' on this one and issue a joint condemnation of his remarks, and
(2) The MSM will run cover for Kerry and the democrats--and virtually ignore it.
I bet you are wrong on all accounts. It doesn't need to be long. McCain and the Whitehouse will respond.
isnt it amazing that dhimmicrats have to conceal who they really are just to get votes? If the people actually saw them in all thier glory.... the dhimmicrats would be lucky to get elected for dog catcher.
So far Reynolds, Boehner, McCain, now etc have already spoken out against Kerry. So far we have a thread almost 2000 posts long. So far the DNC has been 3-4 different spin jobs already. So far Kerry has been forced to give a presser, and just stuck his foot in his mouth again.
So far I say you are wrong about its shelf life. You mis-underestimate the population's opinion of Senator Kerry, and his unique ability to encourage both outrage and laughter. Those two ingedients together produce a topic that cannot be tamped down. If you believe otherwise, liten to how many people still mock his flip-flopping.
Sad to say, I seem to be the only one agreeing with you.