1. I apologize for the horrible misdiagnosis and I"m glad to hear that.
2. Evolution has nothing in the world to do with homosexuality, feminism, whacko enviromentalism, earth worship, paganism, or Islamic fascism (who are creationists, btw).
And therein lies the problem. Promoting good science (ie, evolution) is simply that, nothing more. To pretend otherwise and invent correlations to real problems in America is disingenuous and serves no purpose.
3. Liberals are too stupid to understand most real science. I don't worry with them too much (in this realm).
Yeah, well a buddy of yours up thread gratuitously connected evolution theory to a whole lot of unrelated things so I was simply following suit. All that aside, only a willing tool or a liberal would ignore the hand the Godless ACLU has in promoting all this anti-God, anti-America, anti-freedom bull crap. And that is the very real association, unfortunately for the "science is the true religion and all others can go to hell thank you very much" people.