You certainly are defending the nazi's. But then it was only jews who were the main target of the nazi' ovens. The lampshades made of human skin, the medical experiments on babies, on live twins, the subhuman atrocities weren't so bad, eh?
Oh please. I certainly am not. There is no defense for what the Nazis did.
But I do think it is entirely fair to say that our Muslim enemy has ~less~ honor and ~less~ humanity than even the Nazis did. The Nazis were twisted and evil, but they were still twisted and evil ~human beings~.
Our Muslim enemy deserves no such recognition. Human beings do not walk into a pizza parlor and wait until it is full of children to detonate an explosive belt. Human beings do not detonate a second explosive belt in order to kill the ambulance drivers and fire fighters that respond.
Human beings do not stand and cheer when thousands of innocent people die in a pair of buildings that are hit by airplanes.
Lucky for us, our enemy is not even human. Therefore we need feel nothing for them. They are vermin. Mere parasites on the human condition, to be exterminated.