Original Spanish text of the letter:
Se le avisa que si su residencia en este pais es ilegal o si es emigrado, votar en una elección federal es un delito que podra resultar en encarcelamiento, y sera deportado por votar sin tener derecho a ello.
According to Nueve Pequeño Larousse Ilustrado, Diccionario Enciclopedico, adapatacion española de Miguel de Torro y Gisbert, Doctor en Letras Correspondiente de la Academia española:
EMIGRADO: emigrante.
EMIGRANTE: Individuo que emigra.
EMIGRAR: Salir de su pais para establecerse en otro
So, in effect:
Se le avisa que si {ha salio de su pais para establecerse en los EEUU}, votar en una elección federal es un delito que podra resultar en encarcelamiento, y sera deportado por votar sin tener derecho a ello.
Either in English or Spanish, it is extremely careles language that states that, if you were born in another country and immigrated to the U.S., voting in a Federal election is a crime that could result in your imprisonment and would result in your deportation.
If you send out letters to a black neighborhhod telling people that, if they are convicted felons it is a crime to vote, you can get away with it.
If you send out letters to a black neighborhhod telling people that, if they are convicted felons OR if they are black, it is a crime to vote, you will have the FBI dragging you away in handcuffs.
I agree. It's too bad that whoever sent it didn't bother to dispense accurate information.